Ernst Gramatzki

Quarter Horse, 1996
Sculpture, Fiberglass
74 x 85 x 22 in
SKU: 14188c
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A life-sized fiberglass sculpture of a horse. This specific breed of horse the sculpture is based on is called Quarter Horse. Many visitors to our gallery have to do a double-take as they see these horses relaxing in our courtyard, in the middle of a city. This sculpture has a matching mate that is set in a different stature. This horse is taking in its surroundings with an ear bent backward as it listens for something stirring behind it. Whereas its counterpart is alert and focused on the viewer staring at it.

The horses can be bought separately or as a pair. A 20% discount is available when purchased as a set for a total of $12,500. (not including shipping and handling) Follow the link below to immediately see the other Quarter Horse we have available!
