Peter Otfinoski
Outsider Artist, Peter Otfinoski was born on a small farm in New England. When he was a young man he worked in mental institutions where he discovered his artistic talent. Self-taught as an artist, Peter learned how to weld metal by watching his uncles repair farm equipment. In 1990, he bought 3 acres of cypress forest in rural Loxahatchee, Florida. There, he began building his sculpture park named The Lovehappiness Institution. Most of his large, stainless steel figures are assembled from discarded restaurant kitchens. Besides his sculptures, Peter is a prolific oil painter, beginning in the mid-seventies. Peter shows his work in select galleries and art festivals. His wonderful creations have been exhibited in The Portland Museum of Art, The Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, The New Britain Museum of American Art and The Menello Museum of Folk Art in Orlando. Peter is also a recipient of a Fellowship from The Pollock Krasner Foundation.