Terri Warpinski
EDUCATION: 1983 Master of Fine Arts, University of Iowa, School of Art and Art History, Photography 1982 Master of Arts, University of Iowa, School of Art and Art History, Photography and Drawing 1980-82 University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, graduate work in Printmaking 1979 Bachelor of Arts, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Humanistic Studies ACADEMIC POSITIONS: 2001 Professor, Department of Art, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Oregon, Eugene. 1990 Associate Professor of Art, Department of Fine & Applied Arts, School of Architecture & Allied Arts, University of Oregon, Eugene. 1984 Assistant Professor of Art/Visual Design, Department of Fine & Applied Arts, University of Oregon. 1983 Visiting Instructor of Art, Photography, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS: 2003- Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University of Oregon 1997 - 2004 Associate Dean, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Oregon GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS: 2001 Fulbright Senior Scholar, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board in cooperation with United States Israel Foundation. Artist-in-Residence, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies/Tel Aviv University. 2000 Artist Fellowship, Ucross Foundation, for residency in support of creative work, Clearmont, Wyoming. 1996 Faculty Research Grant, Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, "Field Studies." 1995 Jerry and Gunilla Finrow Alumni Faculty Development Research and Creative Work Award, School of Architecture and Allied Arts, Univ. of Oregon, "Field Studies: El Desierto Pinacate." 1991 Sabbatical Leave, University of Oregon. For travel, research, and creative work related to rock art in Northern Australia and the American West. 1989 University of Oregon Summer Faculty Research Grant, "Painted Rocks: A Photographic Series Based on Rock Art in the Far West." INVITATIONAL EXHIBITIONS: Selected One-Person 2002 Austin Peay University, Tennessee. 2001 David Barnett Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Depicting Oregon: Recent Photographic and Mixed Media Work. Newport Art Center, Newport, Oregon. 1999 Ameen Art Gallery, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana. 1996 Fragments and Field Studies, Harris College. Coordinated by International PhotoFest, Houston, Texas. Butters Gallery, Portland, Oregon. 1995 Field Studies, Obscura Gallery, Portland, Oregon. Reconstructing the Past: Hand Colored and Constructed Work, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia College of Art and Design. 1994 Painted Rocks, Maturango Museum, Ridgecrest, California Constructed Images, University of Nevada, Reno. 1993 Fragments, The Silver Image Gallery, Seattle, Washington. 1991 Peoples of the Sage, High Desert Museum, Bend, Oregon. 1990 Images from the Land, Jacob’s Gallery, Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Eugene. 1989 Cameratech / C-R Rynd Gallery, Seattle, Washington. Center for Creative Studies, Detroit, Michigan. Messages in Stone: Rock Art in the Far West, Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon. 1988 Southern Light Gallery, Amarillo College, Amarillo, Texas. E.J. Bellocq Gallery, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana. White Gallery, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. 1986 Landscape/Overlay, Exposure Gallery, Seattle, Washington. 1985 The Illusory, Photography at Oregon Gallery, Museum of Art, University of Oregon. 1984 Alumni Feature Invitational, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 1983 Occurrences, Sunprint Gallery, Madison, Wisconsin. Selected Two-Person and Small Group Exhibitions 2001 Perpetua: A Collaboration on Place. With Susan Brandeis and Janice Pittsley. Oregon College of Arts and Crafts, Portland, Oregon . 2000 Perpetua: A Collaboration on Place. Renshaw Gallery, Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. 1999 Eighteen Points of View: Fine and Applied Arts Faculty Exhibition, UO Museum of Art, Eugene, Oregon. Visions of Earth, Corvallis Art Center co-sponsored by da Vinci Days Festival, Corvallis, OR. Perpetua: A Collaboration on Place, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. Fine Point Perspectives, Bush Barn Art Center, Salem, Oregon. With Tom Miller and Christopher Rauschenberg. 1999 Mixed Media, Sunbird Gallery, Bend, Oregon. Feature Show, spring, Hanson Gallery, Knoxville, Tennessee. University of Oregon Faculty Exhibition, Littman and White Galleries, Portland State University, Oregon. 1998 Out of the Woods, Sunbird Gallery, Bend, Oregon. 1997 Observation and Invention: Oregon Women Photographers One Hundred Years After The Photo-Secession, Art Gym, Marylhurst College, Marylhurst, Oregon. Feature show, Butters Gallery, Portland, Oregon. 1997 Percent for Art: Selections from the State of Oregon Collection. Oregon State Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon . 1996 University of Oregon Faculty Show, Omni Gallery, Portland, Oregon. Feature Show, Sunbird Gallery, Bend, Oregon. Constructions, Linn-Benton Historical Museum. Curated by Kurt Norlin. 1995 Nature and History, Renshaw Gallery, Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. Landscape: A Personal View, Sunbird Gallery, Bend, Oregon. Human Relationships with Place & Time, City University of New York, Bronx, NY. Breaking the Barriers, Jansen-Perez Gallery, San Antonio, Texas. American Portfolio: Twelve Artists, Chemeketa Community College Art Gallery, Salem, OR. 1994 Five Women Photographers, The Artists' Showplace, Madrid, New Mexico. Contemporary Photography Invitational, Sara Spurgeon Gallery, Central Washington University, Ellensburg. 1993 Women and Land, Catherine G. Murphy Galleries, College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minn. 1992 40 Women Photographers - An Historical Preview, The Silver Image Gallery, Seattle, Washington. 1992 Mirroring the World, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington. Exploring Maps, Turman Gallery, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana. 1991 New Visions: Photographs of the Contemporary Western Landscape, Renshaw Gallery, Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. Landscapes: MacEwan and Warpinski, Niagara Community College, Niagara, New York. 1990 Manipulated Photography, Traveling Exhibition, Trait Gallery, Ontario, California. Curated by Rita Dibert . Western Women Photographers: Marsha Burns, Nomi Kaplan, Holly Roberts, and Terri Warpinski, Maveety Gallery, Portland, Oregon. Northwest Photography Invitational, Kerns Art Center, Eugene, Oregon. 1989 New Directions in Photography, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon. 15 Contemporary Oregon Photographers, Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. 1988 In the Beginning, premiere exhibition, Moyer Gallery, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 1987 Graduate/Faculty Photography, Gallery 141, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. 1986 Commitment to Vision: Twenty Year Retrospective of the Photography at Oregon Gallery, University of Oregon Museum of Art, Eugene, Oregon. The 1986 Mayor’s Invitational Art Exhibit, Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Eugene. Instructors’ Show, Portland Photographic Workshop, Photographic Image Gallery, Oregon. New Work, 1986, New Zone Gallery, Eugene, Oregon. Contemporary Photography, Bush Gallery, Salem, Oregon. Four Photographers, Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Eugene, Oregon. Salon Judges Invitational, Salon of Photography, Oregon State Fair, Salem, Oregon. 1985 Collector’s Exhibit, Corvallis Art Center, Corvallis, Oregon. Northwest Photo Educators, Maltwood Art Museum, University of Victoria, B.C. 1984 Faculty Show XIX, University of Florida Gallery; Gainesville, Florida. 1983 Contemporary Photographers, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. 10 Photographers, Keokuk Art Center, Keokuk, Iowa. Paper, Appleton Gallery of Art, Appleton, Wisconsin. 1981 Thoughts and Threads: A Collaboration, Tempo Gallery, Appleton, Wisconsin. Recent Works, Green Bay Arts Collaborative Gallery, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Paper, Paper, University of Wisconsin, Marinette, Wisconsin. SELECTED JURIED EXHIBITIONS: 2003 Sustaining Vision, Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, WA. Curated by Anne Wilkes Tucker. Mayor's Art Show, Jacobs Gallery, Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Eugene, OR. 2001 Mayor's Art Show, Jacobs Gallery, Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Eugene, OR. Midwest Photography Invitational X, Touring Exhibition. Ohio Northern University, Ida, Ohio. Tennessee Technological University, Cooksville, Tennessee. 1999 A Vision Honored, Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, Washington. Juried by Linda Connor. Common Boundary, Center for Photography at Woodstock, New York. Juried by Sandra Phillips, Curator of Photography, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Expo 18, b. j. spoke gallery, Huntington, New York. Juried by Clare Bell, Associate Curator, Guggenheim Museum. Cut & Paste, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago. Juried by Ginny Sykes and Cynthia Weiss. 1999 Merged Realities: A Synthesis of Art and Science, Central Arts Collective, Tucson, Arizona. a.k.a. photography, Benham Gallery, Seattle, Washington. Newport Biennial, Newport Visual Arts Center, Newport, Oregon. Juried by Kristy Edmunds, Curator, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art. Midwest Photography Invitational X, Touring Exhibition, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Wisconsin University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Port Huron Museum, Port Huron, Michigan. Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, Winona, Minnesota. Rahr-West Art Museum, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Gogebic College Foundation, Ironwood, Michigan. 1998 Contemporary Landscapes, Museum of Arts, Los Angeles, CA. Magic Silver Show, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky. 1997 10th Annual McNeese National Works on Paper, Lake Charles, Louisiana. Mayor's Art Show, Jacob's Gallery, Hult Center, Eugene, Oregon. 1995 The Oregon Biennial, Portland Art Museum, Oregon. The Land, Biennial Competition, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, WA. Juried by Juane Quick-To-See-Smith 1993 Mountain West Fourth Biennial Photography Exhibition, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Juried by Peter Goin. 1992 Midwest Photography Invitational VII, Lawton Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Touring Exhibition. University of Wisconsin, Platteville, Wisconsin. North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota. Blanden Memorial Art Center, Fort Dodge, Iowa. 1992 Kirtland Community College, Roscommon, Michigan. Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa. Saint Mary's College, Winona, Minnesota. Ohio State University, Mansfield, Ohio. Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana. Photograph As: Urban Scape/Rural Scape, Downey Museum of Art, Downey, California. 1991 Magic Silver Show, University of Northern Iowa. Juried by Robert Fichter. 1990 Magic Silver Show, Murray State University, Kentucky. 1989 Midwest Photography Invitational V, Touring Exhibition. Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. University Art Gallery/Museum, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois. Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Kendall College, Grand Rapids, Michigan West Bend Gallery of Fine Arts, West Bend, Wisconsin. Kresge Art Museum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Elan Gallery, Bismarck, North Dakota. Southern Ohio Museum and Cultural Center, Portsmouth, Ohio. Emison Art Center, DePauw University, Indiana. Dacotah Prairie Museum, Aberdeen, South Dakota. University of Minnesota, Morris, Minnesota. Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas. 1988 64th Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Magic Silver Show, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Ironworks ’88, Santa Fe Center for Photography, New Mexico. Midwest Photography Invitational V, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Selections ’88, Eye Gallery, San Francisco, California. Alternatives 88, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 1987 Midwest Photography Invitational IV, Touring Exhibition. Crossman Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin. Bergstrom-Mahler Art Center, Neenah, Wisconsin. Conkling Gallery, Mankato State University. School of Art, University of Michigan. Foster Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Western Illinois University Art Museum. New Photographics, Central Washington State University, Ellensburg, Washington. 1986 Midwest Photography Invitational IV, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 1985 New Photographics/85, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington. Alternatives - 1985, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 1984 Magic Silver Show, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky. Light Sensitive, Thomas Art Center, Gainesville, Florida. Midwest Photography Invitational III, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 1983 Photo/Flow, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas. 20/20: A Contemporary Look at the Nude, Inland Empire Gallery, Riverside, California. 1981 Watercolor U.S.A., Touring Exhibition, Western Associations of Art Museums organized by Springfield Art Museum. Springfield, Missouri. PAC ’81, National Photography Competition., Parkersburg Art Center, Parkersburg, West Virginia. 1981 Alternatives 1981, Touring Exhibition, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Ohio University, Belmont, Ohio. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Boston Art Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. All on Paper, A.A.O. Gallery, Buffalo, New York. The Edge and The Eye, Southern Ohio Museum and Cultural Center, Portsmouth, Ohio. From her home base in Oregon Terri Warpinski travels the world to pursue her creative practice. She is a Professor of Art at the University of Oregon and was a Fulbright Scholar in Israel 2000-2001. Recent awards include an Individual Artist Fellowship (2014), two Career Opportunity Grants (2015, 2013) from both the Ford Family Foundation and the Oregon Art Commission. Her work has been shown in over 125 exhibitions including the Pingyao International Festival of Photography in China; the US Embassy in Jerusalem; Houston International Fotofest; Center for Photography at Woodstock; the University of the Arts Philadelphia, and San Francisco’s Camerawork. Currently her solo exhibition Surface Tension is touring, after opening in Fort Collins, Colorado at the Lincoln Center in September 2014, it travels through 2017 with venues currently booked in Nebraska, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Arizona. Terri Warpinski creates imagery that reflects her reverence for the natural environment and her interest in the traces of human connection embedded in the landscape. An inveterate traveler, Warpinski has most often photographed in the desert environments of the United States and Mexico, as well as central and eastern Australia. In recent work she has been drawing on imagery from travel through the Middle East, Western Europe and China, while also continuing to address her home landscape from the coastal rainforest to the sage plain of the high desert. Helen A. Harrison of The New York Times has written of Warpinski: “She is especially attuned to the often subtle evidence of human impact on nature. . . . (Her work) invite(s) speculation about the secrets that may be revealed by close scrutiny and creative speculation.”