Thomas Rose Miles
The grandeur of the oceans has always inspired artistic endeavors. Over, under and upon the boundless seas, dramatic vignettes take shape, and humans set to capture the array of the aquatic muse. Thomas Rose Miles was one such inspired artist, to illustrated the strength of his muse, who wrote poetic verse on the verso of nearly every painting he performed. The sea's beauty is most often shown in direct competition with its power and unpredictable nature on his canvases and watercolors. He includes the human element, usually over-matched yet persevering against the heavy swells and weather-driven might, carrying on the Marine Art Legacy that was birthed in the best of the Dutch Maritime Art Tradition. Working in London, Miles performed an occasional landscape, but his stormy seas and turbulent waters time and again found places of exhibition in the Royal Academy, the Society of British Artists, the Royal Society of British Artists, the Royal Hiberian Society, and Arthur Tooth and Sons Gallery in the English capital city. It is recorded that he had a popular following amongst the working men of the ports, since his lively depictions were often of their bravery in the face of the challenge.
[Biography via the Archives of AskArt]