Wenceslaus Von Prachna Hollar
HOLLAR, WENCESLAUS (1607-1677), in Bohemian VACLAV HOLAR, engraver, was born at Prague on 13 July 1607. Wenceslaus seems at first to have been intended by his father for the profession of the law, but his passion for art soon showed itself, and we are told that he was placed under the instruction of Matthew Merian, a celebrated engraver, then residing at Prague; it is noticeable that he seems at an early age to have been especially attracted by the works of Dürer. His work embraced a great variety of subjects, including scenes from the bible, historical pictures, maps, portraits of his chief contemporaries, views of cities, flower and fruit pieces, and various illustrations to books. His clever sketches of costume, his views of old London and other cities are invaluable to the historian. His engravings are executed with much spirit and carefully finished. Source: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Hollar,_Wenceslaus_%28DNB00%29