Nicolette Jelen
Born and raised in Morocco, Nicolette received several degrees at the Sorbonne in Paris, and completed further studies in New York at the Art Students League and at Pratt Graphic Center while working at the Printmaking Workshop. She currently has a studio and press in Sag Harbor.
“My unique works are done as mono types, aquatints, artist books, as well as multiples in mezzotints, engravings, soft ground etchings and woodcuts. Born and raised in Morocco, educated in France and New York, my work reflects my vision of many places surrounding the Mediterranean, and in the past decade Sag Harbor and New York. Mixed in my work are landscapes of imaginary and real places, tropical visions, forests and glens, Pompeian motifs, baroque angels, with a fascination for light and its description, graphically using ink and paper.”
Nicolette’s work has been published and distributed in the U.S. and Internationally by John Szoke, Hugh McKay, Vincent Fitzgerald, Ronbie Editions, Progressive Editions and Atlantic Art. For the past five years Nicolette has been exhibiting at selected fairs in the U.S., from California to New York, where she has won a number of awards.