Philip Krejcarek

EDUCATION: M.F.A. - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (1973) B.S. in Art - University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh (1968) POSITION: Professor of Art, Carroll College (began1977) Co-Chairman, Art Dept. GRANTS AND DISTINCTIONS 1992 Wisconsin Arts Board 1993 Individual Artist Program $3,500 New Work Award 1993 Kodak Photo Educator Scholarship, The Sante Fe Photographic Workshops 1993 Benjamin F. Richason Faculty Award for Teaching, Research, and Educational Innovations, Carroll College 1994 Fifth Annual Focal Point Gallery National Photography Competition, New York, one of ten finalists in exhibition SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS 1983-01 WISCONSIN PHOTOGRAPHY 1983, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2001, Juried State Exhibition, Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine 1986-98 MIDWEST PHOTOGRAPHY IV, VI,VII, VIII, and X, juried regional and national exhibitions, U.W. - Green Bay 1988 PHOTOGRAPHY ON THE EDGE, invitational international exhibition, Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University 1990-92 CURRENT WORKS 1990 and 1992, juried international photography exhibition, Society for Contemporary Photography, Kansas City, Missouri 1990-92 PHOTOSPIVA 90 and 92, juried national exhibition, Spiva Art Center, Joplin, Missouri Page 2 1991-92 PHOTOGRAPHY ‘91, ‘92, juried national exhibition, Abington Art Center, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania 1992 ILLUMINANCE ‘92, juried national photography exhibition, Lubock Fine Arts Center, Texas 1993-01 MAGIC SILVER 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000, and 2001, juried national photography exhibition, University of Northern Iowa 1995 TOLEDO FRIENDS OF PHOTOGRAPHY NATIONAL, juried photography exhibition, Ohio 1998 A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE, national invitational exhibition, Denver Art Museum 1999 WISCONSIN ARTISTS BIENNIAL EXHIBITION, regional juried exhibition, Haggerty Museum of Art, Milwaukee 1999 Twelveth Parkside NATIONAL SMALL PRINT EXHIBITION, juried exhibition, University of Wisconsin - Parkside 2001 Works On Paper 2001, national juried exhibition, San Jancito College South, Texas 2002 "The Reddish Show," national juried exhibition, The Globe Gallery, Roswell, NM 2003 Texas National, juried exhibition BOOK PUBLICATIONS 1987 PHOTOGRAPHY AS A FINE ART, Ginn Press / Simon and Schuster 1997 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: A HANDS-ON INTRODUCTION, Delmar Learning / Thompson Learning 2003 AN INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL IMAGING, Delmar Learning Learning / Thompson Learning OTHER PUBLICATIONS 1976 MIDWEST ART MAGAZINE, exhibition reviewer 1978 CITYSIDE NEWSPAPER, exhibition reviewer 1979-80 WISCONSIN PHOTOGRAPHER MAGAZINE, technical writer and exhibition reviewer 1979 PHOTOGRAPHY: SIMPLE TRUTHS, A Photography Workbook, author and publisher Page 3 1984 PHOTOGRAPHY: BEYOND SIMPLE TRUTHS, An Advanced Photography Workbook, author and publisher 1985 DISCOVERING A PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC VISION, A National Anthology of Photography Teachers' Assignments, editor and publisher 1988 WISCONSIN MAGAZINE, State Television Program, interviewed for PHOTOGRAPHY ON THE EDGE Exhibition 1996 ILFORD PHOTO INSTRUCTOR magazine, “Assignments for Teaching Electronic Imaging” 1997 ONE-DAY MANUAL, ELECTRONIC IMAGING, author and publisher 1998 SODOMY AND OTHER “S” STUFF, an artist’s book, author and publisher 1999 ILFORD PHOTO INSTRUCTOR magazine, “Scanomatic,” 2000 DIGITAL FINE ART magazine, “Lettuce Dance” COLLECTIONS Milwaukee Art Museum Haggerty Museum of Art, Milwaukee Denver Art Museum Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine City of Milwaukee Milwaukee Journal Sentinel The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Fine Art Gallery The University of Wisconsin Center - Waukesha Oshkosh Public Museum Wisconsin Artists Collection, Carroll College GALLERY REP. David Barnett Gallery, Milwaukee Page 4 ONE-PERSON EXHIBITIONS 1972 University of Wisconsin Center - Waukesha 1974 Tom Hayes Gallery, Milwaukee 1975 University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh 1976 The Infinite Eye Gallery, Milwaukee 1977 Carroll College 1985 Carroll College 1986 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters Gallery 1991 Ithaca College, New York, National Competition for Exhibition Selection 1991 Silver Paper Gallery, Milwaukee 1991 Mount Mary College, Milwaukee 1993 Governors State University, University Park, Illinois 1998 “Free Art,” Carroll College 1999 Adambomb Gallerie, Milwaukee 1999 Carroll College 2000 Unitarian West Church, Brookfield, Wisconsin 2000 PhotoSynthesis Gallery , Waukesha, Wisconsin TWO-PERSON EXHIBITIONS 1973 Gallery Twenty-One Eleven, Milwaukee 1981 Miller Art Center, Sturgeon Bay 1992 Cardinal Stritch College, Milwaukee 1999 Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design 1999 Waukesha Civic Theatre 2003 University of Wisconsin Center - Waukesha

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